Sunday, February 5, 2012

More Great Modern Music

Sorry I'm on a music kick, but I'm stuck in Washington far from home, so I can't do any writing. I have to have the comfort of my own desk in order to write. So, here's another modern rocker that very few people ever hear -- Buckethead. There's a good reason for this, as he plays some truly strange music. However, hidden deep within the haypile are a few needles. My favorite is Killing Cone, which I bet none of you have heard. Sometimes I daydream that I bring my guitar to a street corner and play this song, just so I can see peoples' jaws hit the pavement.


  1. Thanks for sharing!Always looking for new artist.

  2. Thanks, LM, though I have to search long and hard through Buckethead's stuff to find the few gems. He's a really odd fellow.

  3. I had to laugh, we used to tease my daughter when she was a baby that she was a buckethead. She used to like to wear the spaghetti strainer as a hat.

  4. I find it very difficult to write anywhere but home or my car. The least external stimuli the better.

  5. You're right, my jaw would hit the pavement if I saw you on a street corner playing that song. :)

  6. Liked the video. Technical expertise trumps strangeness. I like the clear quiet spots - it gives a rest between the rushing riffs.

    Musicians that bring their music to the street always make me smile - for the pleasure of the music and to gauge others' reactions.

  7. I hope you get to go home soon. Being a diplomat must be fascinating.

  8. As long as there is pen and paper you can write :) Love the idea of seeing you on a street corner with a guitar...Is there an open guitar case in that picture or is the satisfaction of jaw dropping fans enough? hee hee
